
[特色建筑] Protest in for preserving 巴黎的地方

2014-10-20 19:29 / 查看: 4364 / 回复: 4

在三年redesign在那里, the共和国巴黎reopened this year,欢迎回来,让它调节organized protests one of the most重要公共空间in巴黎。for the设计师of the SPACE, 该公司代理这是很重要的,不违反我们什么many parisians consider their剥夺right to Protest–然而a question remained over How the广场could be more amenable to other用at the same time。originally published by in this article,大都市杂志”地方for Protest,“维罗尼卡来寻找如何该公司代理allowed to have their parisians蛋糕让他们吃它太。

in巴黎节奏与仪式of Political Discontent,traditionally celebrated是我们république广场。它是最喜欢的不断点for the countless步骤,定义Democracy in the法国 capital。但before taking to the街游行在缓慢移动,crowds块交通全the广场,创造gridlock that can跛子the city from sacré心to the opéra。同时,公民get to unfurl横幅和喊口号。它是合法的,好的,干净的乐趣。


两个年轻的建筑师,皮埃尔阿兰trévelo and安东尼维热-科勒,from the该公司代理 in巴黎在2010赢得竞争的redesign to the广场. a混乱worksite for三年, The New Place république is at最后全业务。目的parisians have yet to take the measure of the的地方。《愤怒的前锋仍然能见到有和他们,但他们可以不再防止他人从事about their业务。the来提供新的模型为Participative民主——rather than all -包括阻塞性方法。

have the建筑师背叛the rebellious精神of the吗?

at the Center of the广场是巨大的青铜雕像我们不朽的底座,Symbol of the French共和国。inaugurated在1883年,它stood in the middle of枢纽,交通岛,包围汽车angrily Negotiating the紧圈。There is still the雕像,in the same现货,but no longer at the Center of it all of the,控制尺寸的空间。The建筑师有扩展的广场这背后,not in front of it。They have marginalized the 31英尺高的allegorical脸,工作在其背,so to speak。

这是激进的选择-移动deinstitutionalize intended to the changing its象征广场、有效的指导。人们used to gather under the watchful Eye of an权威人物——他们现在吃的雕像和去peacefully,他们请。

“你rallying雕像仍然函数点for various政治团体,trévelo”说。“but the presence of demonstrators不再excludes on the other活动的网站。滑板,旅游,老人,孩子与父母,与工人他们的午餐休息可以coexist with Activists Defending的原因。”

Today,the sparsely种广场是广阔的,被子of轻轻buffed混凝土块,光滑到沙海滩低潮。它是emptiness闪烁,反映了美国的天空。the emphasis is on水平线。《西北-东南巨大的矩形广场,只要the Eiffel塔是高大的,感觉limitless,其周长seemingly receding into the距离通过微混浊。


at one end,next to an英寸深镜池,平,玻璃封闭亭与扫cantilevered awning为你café。at the other end,低的木制平台提供社区seating安排。on the背面-阳光-两个浅terraces compensate for the稍凸Profile of the广场。for flâneurs in search of privacy,这些两个飞地Observatories from which to是调查现场。

每个section of the广场is to适应不同调制方式and events to,from to tournaments音乐会。在一个地区,老式户外板游戏可以rented for free。在另一个人坐,我们steps and开放他们的笔记本电脑。the纪念碑- restored,refurbished,and repurposed -作为宫。在它的底座,转变到看摊位,夫妇舞天和晚上,舞厅的风格。

别出声,建筑师已经实现范式转移。他们看到the panopticon prison replaced the model of,in which在centrally located看守在inmates under的监视,with another in which the控制模型,is in the hands of居民,用户和taxpayers - kaleidoscopic entity。

It has worked out,那么远。since the reopening of地方la république in 2013年六月,There has been only one instance of警察的干预,在亲巴勒斯坦demonstration(the Protest in July 2014年banned had been,特殊措施,有angered many)。否则,广场是监管的自由区。有没有障碍,没有栅栏,不railings,不让我出去的迹象:登山、跳、滑板、滚轴溜冰,bicycling,跳舞,picnicking,饮用,接吻,坐着睡觉,你的名字,它是允许的。miraculously,absence of rudeness is the only unwritten规则。

“公共空间是凌乱的,”说trévelo。“我们知道。我们的东西固and Sustainable建材that can take the打,是很容易清洁,and can be replaced没有困难。“我认为,质量is among the most cost-effective安全措施。in法国at least,尊重人instinctively things that are well designed,以及建立和维持好——大陆版本Windows Theory of the破碎。

不过,反社会的行为不能被消除了。法国哲学家福柯,作者of 纪律and Punish of the birth监狱。1975年,著名的“Treatise on the mechanisms of Surveillance,reminds us that the concept of Freedom品种其对面:“‘启示’,which discovered the Liberties,also Invented the学科,“我注意到。认为,你可以有自由严格法-执法措施often been invoked to justify你The War Against Terrorism and the culture of Surveillance prevalent今天。


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